
靳云凯1,2, 刘春林1,2,*
1湖南农业大学农学院, 长沙410128; 2湖南农业大学湖南省作物种质创新和资源利用国家重点实验室培育基地, 长沙410128

通信作者:刘春林;E-mail: liucl@hunau.edu.cn

摘 要:

T-6b为农杆菌T-DNA上的一个起致瘤作用的基因, 在营养组织中过量表达后能导致突起和肿瘤的形成; 在胚乳中的过表达能提高胚成熟种子的生物量与含油量。本文用油菜中胚特异性表达Napin基因的启动子启动拟南芥T-6b基因的表达。结果显示, 当T-6b在胚表达以后, 种子褶皱, 生物量下降, 种子中多种碳水化合物含量降低。这一结果与T-6b在胚乳中表达的表型结果有所差别。

关键词:T-6b; 胚特异性表达; 种子生物量; 碳水化合物

收稿:2018-01-07   修定:2018-06-11


The special expression of T-6b in embryo decreases carbohydrates contents in seed of Arabidopsis thaliana

JIN Yun-Kai1,2, LIU Chun-Lin1,2,*
1College of Agriculture, Hunan Agriculture Universiy, Changsha 410128, China; 2Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Crop Germplasm Innovation and Utilization, Hunan Agriculture Universiy, Changsha 410128, China

Corresponding author: LIU Chun-Lin; E-mail: liucl@hunau.edu.cn


As an oncogene located in T-DNA region in Agrobacterium tumefaciens, T-6b can induce enation and tumors with its over-expression in vegetative tissues and increase the biomass and oil contents of mature seeds expressed in endosperm. In this paper, T-6b was fused to the promoter of Napin that could be specially expressed in the embryo of Brassica napus seed. The results showed that with the expression of T-6b in the embryo of Arabidopsis thaliana seed, the seed became wrinkled, and the contents of biomass and carbohydrates were decreased. These results were different from the phenotypic results of T-6b expression in endosperm.

Key words: T-6b; embryo-special expression; seed biomass; carbohydrates

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